
Marcus Clyne ngx.eugaia at
Wed Dec 23 00:36:13 MSK 2009


dylanz wrote:
> I noticed that "echo" isn't outputting on non-async events, for example:
> echo "before";
> set $memcached_key $uri;
> memcached_pass;
> echo "after";
This should be

location  /first {
    echo   "before";
    echo_location_aysnc  /second;    (or echo_location  /second)
    echo  "after"

location    /second {
    set   $memcached_key   $uri;

The reason is to do with how the internals of Nginx work.  Everything 
that has echo_XXX should follow in order.  If you try mixing echo_xxx 
statements with other directives, you'll likely get *interesting* results.
> That results in the contents of the memcached_pass, but doesn't include the echo output.
> I tried throwing in some echo_flush commands to see if that would help, but it didn't.
> However, it does work if I use the after/before echo commands, for example:
> echo_before_body "before";
> set $memcached_key $uri;
> memcached_pass;
> echo_after_body "after";
> I added the -n flag option to echo.c, and it works when I'm not doing doing that proxy pass,
> for example, this:
Cool.  If you haven't done so already, it might be useful to add it to 
any of the other echo_xxx directives that automatically add a newline 
(e.g. echo_before, echo_after ?) - if it's not too much trouble, of course.


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