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Kiswono Prayogo wrote:
type="cite"><font class="Apple-style-span"
face="'courier new', monospace">this benchmark show that v8cgi and php
quite the same except php faster on string concatenation (because
javascript using ambigous "+" operator), and v8cgi faster on variable
indexing (or so i guess because v8 developer said so..)<br>
Interesting. Since the common way to do string concattenation in JS is
by joining arrays, I wonder what sort of performance each has doing
long array collapsing.<br>
type="cite"><font class="Apple-style-span"
face="'courier new', monospace">############### WEB SERVER +
and the benchmark using web servers, i don't know if it's fair
Maybe it would be better to follow the nginx guide to setting up
PHP-FastCGI and running the benchmarks again (essentially PHP against
V8CGI rather than Apache+PHP vs. Nginx+V8CGI).<br>
type="cite"><font class="Apple-style-span"
face="'courier new', monospace">############### my spawn fcgi
configration (1024 child):<br>
V8C_SCRIPT="/usr/bin/spawn-fcgi -a -p 9000 -u www-data -g
www-data -F 1024 `which v8cgi` $ESP_SCRIPT"<br>
Again, an Nginx + PHP-FastCGI vs. Nginx + V8CGI test means you can use
the same number of child processes, so the comparison will be more fair.<br>
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<p><strong>Phillip B Oldham</strong><br>
<a href="mailto:phill@theactivitypeople.co.uk">phill@activityhq.com</a></p>
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