Hello,<br><br>I was unable to compile the latest version (2.0.7) of the Nginx upload module on a 64-bit system. I tried with both Nginx 0.6.32 and <a href="http://0.7.19.">0.7.19.</a><br>I received a warning about a comparison of a signed and unsigned int and Nginx will abort compilation if a warning is encountered.<br>
<br>I was able to successfully compile Nginx with the upload module by changing line 981 in ngx_http_upload_module.c from:<br><br> if(u->output_file.offset + len > ulcf->max_file_size)<br><br>to:<br><br> if((unsigned int)(u->output_file.offset + len) > ulcf->max_file_size)<br>
<br>My C is pretty rusty and I'm hardly acquainted with the Nginx and upload module source.<br>So my questions is: was this the right thing to do?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Brendan<br>