User directive error

Palvelin Postmaster postmaster at
Thu Jan 24 17:15:04 UTC 2019

Why does this error occur (Ubuntu 18.04/nginx 1.14.0)?

	user www-data;

	2019/01/24 19:07:07 [warn] 3526#3526: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:21

# ps -axu |grep nginx
root      3439  0.0  0.2 360156  9352 ?        Ss   19:07   0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on;
www-data  3441  0.1  0.5 364044 20716 ?        S    19:07   0:00 nginx: worker process
www-data  3442  0.2  0.5 364560 21248 ?        S    19:07   0:00 nginx: worker process
www-data  3443  0.0  0.3 362456 14852 ?        S    19:07   0:00 nginx: cache manager process

-- Hostmaster
postmaster at

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