#!/usr/local/bin/php -n FATAL, 1 => WARN, 2 => INFO $killall_bin = "/usr/bin/killall"; $spawn_bin = "/usr/local/bin/spawn-fcgi"; // Nginx Configuration $nginx_config = "/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; $nginx_bin = "/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx"; $mod_status = true; // PHP Configuration $php_childs = 3; $php_bin = "/opt/php/bin/php-cgi"; $php_startport = 11000; $users = array(); $action = $argv[1]; $terminate = $argv[2]; if(!isset($argv[1]) || $action == "" || $action == "help") { echo "Usage: nginx {start|stop|restart|reload|status|graceful|help|rewrite-ini}\n"; die(); } if($action == "rewrite-init") { $fp = fopen($nginx_init, "w+"); $contents = '#!/bin/sh # # Name: NginX, tsj5j # # Function: Start up NginX which parses Apache Config. # Usage: Run this script without any parameters to find out. # # chkconfig: - 85 15 # description: NginX starter, Apache config parser # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # Source networking configuration. . /etc/sysconfig/network case "$1" in stop) killproc '.basename($nginx_bin).'; killproc '.basename($php_bin).' -9; ;; restart) killproc '.basename($nginx_bin).'; killproc '.basename($php_bin).' -9; ;; reload) killproc '.basename($nginx_bin).' -HUP; killproc '.basename($php_bin).' -9; ;; graceful) killproc '.basename($nginx_bin).' -HUP; killproc '.basename($php_bin).' -9; ;; esac # Calls external PHP script '.__FILE__.' $1 false; exit 0;'; fwrite($fp, $contents); fclose($fp); echo "Rewrite completed.\n"; die(); } if($action == "status") { checkRunning(true); die(); } function checkRunning($verbose = false) { global $php_bin, $nginx_bin; exec("ps axfuw | grep ".basename($nginx_bin), $process_list); if(count($process_list) > 2) $nginx = true; else $nginx = false; unset($process_list); exec("ps axfuw | grep ".$php_bin, $process_list); if(count($process_list) > 2) $php = true; else $php = false; if($verbose == true) { if($nginx == true) info_notice("Nginx is running..."); else warn_notice("Nginx is not running..."); if($php == true) info_notice("PHP (FastCGI) is running..."); else warn_notice("PHP (FastCGI) is not running..."); } return array($nginx, $php); } function substring_between($haystack,$start,$end) { if (strpos($haystack,$start) === false || strpos($haystack,$end) === false) { return false; } else { $start_position = strpos($haystack,$start)+strlen($start); $newpage = substr($haystack,$start_position,strlen($haystack)-1); $end_position = strpos($newpage,$end); $end_position = $end_position + $start_position; return substr($haystack,$start_position,$end_position-$start_position); } } function str_replace_once($needle, $replace, $haystack) { // Looks for the first occurence of $needle in $haystack // and replaces it with $replace. $pos = strpos($haystack, $needle); if ($pos === false) { // Nothing found return $haystack; } return substr_replace($haystack, $replace, $pos, strlen($needle)); } function parseConfig($apache_config, $type="server") { if(!isset($apache_config)) $apache_config = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"; // Main Code $apache_main = file_get_contents($apache_config); $apache_main = explode("\n", $apache_main); // Lets remove all comments for easier parsing foreach ($apache_main as $key => $value) { if(strlen(str_replace('#', '', $value)) == strlen($value)) $apache_main_parse .= $value."\n"; } $apache_main = $apache_main_parse; unset($apache_main_parse); // Lets remove extra new lines for easier reading $apache_main = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $apache_main); // Time to do basic parsing and initialization $apache_main = explode("\n", $apache_main); $codeblock = false; $codeblock_no = 0; foreach ($apache_main as $key => $value) { if($codeblock == false) { if(strlen(str_replace('<', '', $value)) != strlen($value)) if(strlen(str_replace('>', '', $value)) != strlen($value)) if(strlen(str_replace('"); $codeblock = explode(" ", $codeblock); $codeblock = $codeblock[0]; $apache_main_codeblock[$codeblock_no][] = $value; continue; } } if($codeblock != false) { if(strlen(str_replace('', '', $value)) != strlen($value)) { $codeblock = false; } $apache_main_codeblock[$codeblock_no][] = $value; if($codeblock == false) $codeblock_no++; continue; } if(strlen(str_replace(' $value) { $value = str_replace('"', "", $value); $value = explode(" ", $value); // Remove blank elements foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if($value2 != "") $value_new[] = $value2; } $value = $value_new; unset($value_new); if(is_null($value)) continue; switch ($value[0]) { case "ServerRoot" : $apache_vars["root_folder"] = $value[1]; break; case "Listen" : $apache_vars["listen"] = $value[1]; break; case "LoadModule" : $apache_vars["modules"][] = array($value[1], $value[2]); break; case "User" : $apache_vars["user"] = $value[1]; break; case "Group" : $apache_vars["group"] = $value[1]; break; case "ServerAdmin" : $apache_vars["serveradmin"] = $value[1]; break; case "DocumentRoot" : $apache_vars["docroot"] = $value[1]; break; case "ErrorLog" : $apache_vars["log"] = array("error", $value[1]); break; case "LogLevel" : $apache_vars["errorlog_level"] = $value[1]; break; case "CustomLog" : $apache_vars["log"] = array("access", $value[1], $value[2]); break; case "DefaultType" : $apache_vars["defaulttype"] = $value[1]; break; case "Include" : $apache_vars["includes"][] = $value[1]; break; default : warn_notice($value[0]." cannot be recognised."); break; } } if($type == "vhost") { foreach($apache_main_codeblock as $key => $value) { $vhost = ""; unset($ip, $port, $domain, $docroot, $log, $php); foreach($value as $key2 => $value2) { $vhost .= $value2."\n"; } if(strpos($vhost, "VirtualHost") == false) continue; // IP and Port $ip = substring_between($vhost, ""); $ip = explode(":", $ip); $port = $ip[1]; $ip = $ip[0]; // Server Name $domain[] = substring_between($vhost, "ServerName ", "\n"); // Server Aliases $num_alias = substr_count($vhost, "ServerAlias "); for($i=0; $i<$num_alias; $i++) { $alias = substring_between($vhost, "ServerAlias ", "\n"); $alias = explode(" ", $alias); $domain[] = $alias[1]; $vhost = str_replace_once("ServerAlias ", "", $vhost); } $docroot = substring_between($vhost, "DocumentRoot ", "\n"); // Logging $num_accesslog = substr_count($vhost, "CustomLog "); for($i=0; $i<$num_accesslog; $i++) { $accesslog = substring_between($vhost, "CustomLog ", "\n"); $accesslog = explode(" ", $accesslog); $log[] = array("access", $accesslog[0], $accesslog[1]); $vhost = str_replace_once("CustomLog ", "", $vhost); } $log[] = array("error", substring_between($vhost, "ErrorLog ", "\n")); // PHP Admin Flag $num_php = substr_count($vhost, "php_admin_flag "); for($i=0; $i<$num_php; $i++) { $php_value = substring_between($vhost, "php_admin_flag ", "\n"); $php_value = explode(" ", $php_value); $php_value_name = $php_value[0]; unset($php_value[0]); $php_value = implode(" ", $php_value); $php[] = array($php_value_name, $php_value); $vhost = str_replace_once("php_admin_flag ", "", $vhost); } // PHP Admin Value $num_php = substr_count($vhost, "php_admin_value "); for($i=0; $i<$num_php; $i++) { $php_value = substring_between($vhost, "php_admin_value ", "\n"); $php_value = explode(" ", $php_value); $php_value_name = $php_value[0]; unset($php_value[0]); $php_value = implode(" ", $php_value); $php[] = array($php_value_name, $php_value); $vhost = str_replace_once("php_admin_value ", "", $vhost); } $user = str_replace("/home/", "", $docroot); $user = explode("/", $user); $user = $user[0]; $vhost_vars[] = array($ip, $port, $domain, $docroot, $log, $php, $user); global $users; $users[$user] = ""; } return $vhost_vars; } return $apache_vars; } function output_nginx($apache_vars, $vhost_vars) { global $users, $php, $mod_status; if(isset($apache_vars['user']) && isset($apache_vars['group'])) $nginx[] = "user ".$apache_vars['user']." ".$apache_vars['group'].";"; $nginx[] = "events {"; $nginx[] = "worker_connections 1024;"; $nginx[] = "multi_accept on;"; $nginx[] = "use epoll;"; $nginx[] = "}"; $nginx[] = "http {"; $nginx[] = "include conf/mime.types;"; $nginx[] = "default_type application/octet-stream;"; $nginx[] = "tcp_nopush on;"; $nginx[] = "tcp_nodelay on;"; $nginx[] = "server_names_hash_bucket_size 128;"; $nginx[] = "log_format bytes '".'$bytes_sent'."';"; foreach($vhost_vars as $key => $value) { $nginx[] = "server {"; $nginx[] = "listen ".$value[1].";"; $domains = implode($value[2], " "); $nginx[] = "server_name ".$domains.";"; foreach($value[4] as $key2 => $value2) { if($value2[0] == "access") { $nginx[] = "access_log ".$value2[1]." ".$value2[2].";"; } elseif($value2[0] == "error") { $nginx[] = "error_log ".$value2[1]." warn;"; } } if($mod_status == true) { $nginx[] = "location /nginx_status {"; $nginx[] = "stub_status on;"; $nginx[] = "access_log off;"; $nginx[] = "allow all;"; $nginx[] = "}"; } $nginx[] = "location / {"; $nginx[] = "root ".$value[3].";"; $nginx[] = "index index.html index.htm index.php;"; $nginx[] = "}"; $nginx[] = 'location ~ \\.php$ {'; $nginx[] = "include conf/fastcgi.conf;"; $nginx[] = "fastcgi_pass".$users[$value[6]].";"; $nginx[] = "fastcgi_index index.php;"; $nginx[] = "fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME ".$value[3].'$fastcgi_script_name;'; $nginx[] = "}"; $nginx[] = "}"; $php[$value[6]] = $value[5]; } $nginx[] = "}"; return $nginx; } function formatOutput($nginx) { $tabs = ""; foreach($nginx as $key => $value) { if(strlen(str_replace('{', '', $value)) != strlen($value)) { $output .= $tabs.$value."\n"; $tabs .= "\t"; continue; } if(strlen(str_replace('}', '', $value)) != strlen($value)) { $tabs = substr($tabs, 0, strlen($tabs)-1); $output .= $tabs.$value."\n"; continue; } $output .= $tabs.$value."\n"; } return $output; } function testConfig($config) { global $nginx_bin, $nginx_config, $tmp_folder; $fp = fopen($tmp_folder.basename($nginx_config), "w+"); fwrite($fp, $config); fclose($fp); exec($nginx_bin." -t -c ".$tmp_folder.basename($nginx_config)." &> ".$tmp_folder.basename($nginx_config).".out"); $output = file_get_contents($tmp_folder.basename($nginx_config).".out"); @unlink($tmp_folder.basename($nginx_config).".out"); @unlink($tmp_folder.basename($nginx_config)); if(strlen(str_replace('syntax is ok', '', $output)) != strlen($output)) { return true; } else { return $output; } } if($action != "stop") { $apache_vars = parseConfig($apache_config); $directadmin_hosts = parseConfig($da_vhosts); foreach($directadmin_hosts['includes'] as $key => $value) { $vhost_temp = parseConfig($value, "vhost"); for($i=0; $i $value) { $users[$key] = $php_startport; $php_startport++; } $nginx = output_nginx($apache_vars, $vhost_vars); $nginx = formatOutput($nginx); $test_results = testConfig($config); if($test_results != true) { fatal_notice("Generated configuration has an error. Please report this problem."); fatal_notice("Error details is as following :"); echo $test_results; die(); } $fp = fopen($nginx_config, "w+"); fwrite($fp, $nginx); fclose($fp); } if($terminate != "false") { if($action == "reload" || $action == "graceful") exec($killall_bun." -HUP ".basename($nginx_bin)); if($action == "stop" || $action == "restart") exec($killall_bin." -9 ".basename($nginx_bin)); if($action == "stop" || $action == "restart" || $action == "reload" || $action == "graceful") exec($killall_bin." -9 ".basename($php_bin)); } sleep(1); // 1 second to stop. if($action == "start" || $action == "restart") exec($nginx_bin." -c ".$nginx_config); if($action == "start" || $action == "restart" || $action == "reload" || $action == "graceful") { foreach($users as $key => $value) { foreach($php[$key] as $key2 => $value2) { $param .= " -d ".$value2[0]."=".$value2[1]; $param = str_replace("'", '"', $param); } $process = popen($spawn_bin." -f '".$php_bin.$param."' -p ".$value." -C ".$php_childs." -u ".$key." -g ".$key."\n", "r"); pclose($process); unset($param); } } function info_notice($message) { global $debug_level; if($debug_level >= 2) echo date('h:i:s j-m-y').": [INFO] ".$message."\n"; } function warn_notice($message) { global $debug_level; if($debug_level >= 1) echo date('h:i:s j-m-y').": [WARN] ".$message."\n"; } function fatal_notice($message) { global $debug_level; if($debug_level >= 0) echo date('h:i:s j-m-y').": [FATAL] ".$message."\n"; } ?>