2015-09-17 The HTTP/2 implementation was commited to trunk. See: http://hg.nginx.org/nginx/rev/257b51c37c5a 2015-09-11 Version 6 (NGINX 1.9.4) - Sending GOAWAY frame on connection shutdown; - Proper handling of huge response headers using CONTINUATION frames; - Various minor fixes. 2015-09-08 Version 5 (NGINX 1.9.4) - Validation of the request headers; - Improved error handling even more; - Added the http2_max_header_size directive that limits the maximum size of a request headers (16384 bytes by default); - Fixed the default value of the http2_max_field_size directive; - Limited consumption of memory during the HTTP/2 session; - The $request_line variable for HTTP/2 requests now uses "HTTP/2.0" as the version token instead of "HTTP/1.1". 2015-08-31 Version 4 (NGINX 1.9.4) - Improved error handling; - Added the http2_max_field_size directive that limits the maximum size of a request header field (4096 bytes by default); - The http2_keepalive_timeout directive was renamed to http2_idle_timeout. 2015-08-19 Version 3 (NGINX 1.9.4) - The gzip and gzip_static modules might not work with HTTP/2 requests; - Fixed processing of Cookie headers. 2015-08-14 Version 2 (NGINX 1.9.3) - Introduced NPN support for HTTP/2 negotiation (this reduces OpenSSL version requirement to 1.0.1+); - Various fixes in the prioritization mechanism; - Fixed missing "Location" response header in some configurations; - Fixed processing of the ":authority" pseudo-header (the HTTP/2 analog of the "Host" header). 2015-08-05 Version 1 (NGINX 1.9.3) The first public alpha release.